Beauty Trendz Tz Products by Avon.

Beauty Trendz Tz Products by Avon.
Original AVON products available in Tanzania.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Dark skinned women always look great in Bronzes, golds and browns. These are just the colors that you would NEVER go wrong with. So in your make up bags ladies make sure you invest in Bronzer, gold shimmery eyeshadow and brown, copper or gold shimmery lipsticks.

 Above our model looks phenomenal wearing bronzer on the cheeks, shimmery bronze eyeshadow and a bronze lipgloss to top it off. The biggest trick when choosing a perfect bronzer is to always go a shade darker than your skin tone that way it will be more pronounced and will look timeless.

Avon bronzing pearls- Tsh 35,000.

Avon's Arabian glow eyeshadow quad- Tsh 30,000