Beauty Trendz Tz Products by Avon.

Beauty Trendz Tz Products by Avon.
Original AVON products available in Tanzania.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Nails are like wearing a pair of shoes.. They are a great accessory to any woman and so you need to always look after them to make sure they are always healthy, clean and neat..

Most of the times our cuticles tend to dry up making our nails or toes look dirty and unkempt..this is because they need to be conditioned on a regular basis to avoid this.. Same case applies to your hands you should always use hand cream on your hands to soften and moisturise them so they would not look dry.

For the best cuticle results, try this Lavender cuticle oil by Avon and start seeing results after a SHOCKING 10 Mins! Thats how good it is.. It has Lavender, Aloe vera and Vitamin E to help condition and heal dry and damaged cuticles.  Good to use at least twice a week for best results.

Call me today and get yours only for Tsh 15,000!