Beauty Trendz Tz Products by Avon.

Beauty Trendz Tz Products by Avon.
Original AVON products available in Tanzania.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Get party perfect with my tips of getting the perfect smoky eye! Its easy all you need is: Avon's eyeshadow quad in Smokey eyes.. Perfect compliments would be mascara, preferably Avon's supercurlacious mascara and Avon's glimmerstick eyeliner diamonds for that extra little glitter; if not use a liquid eyeliner pen..

With Avon, you get directions on how and where to apply what shade on the eyelid out of the four colors on your quad.. Behind the eyeshadow box they have four easy tips on how to do it.. so if you are an amateur, worry not Avon's got you!

Finish off the look with a neutral color on your lips like brandy, maybe a light brown or a nude.. Usually when you go heavy on your eyes its best to stay light on the lips so you dont look ridiculous!

We love love love this trend and its here to stay! Now you are ready to hit the town!